Annual Christmas dinner 2023
On Thursday 14th December we will have our annual Christmas Dinner in the Danish Seamen’s Church / Den Danske Sømandskirke in Rotterdam. This event will start at 18.00 hrs.
Just before the Dinner we will held an Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA). The EGM will be hold to elect new board members.
You are very welcome to attend this EGA from 17.30 – 18.00 hrs.
If you already registered for the dinner event you only need to adjust the time in your agenda if possible.
If you didn’t register yet and would like to attend, the EGA and/or the Dinner, please send an e-mail to patrice.vdheiden@danishchamber.nl
Venue: Danish Seamen’s Church, Den Danske Sømandskirke, Coolhaven 1, 3015 GC Rotterdam.
Looking forward meeting you the 14th of December.
Photographer: Hanne Hansen