We hope that you are interested in a membership. We have 7 categories:

  1. students: € 35,-
  2. young professionals not older than 35, retirees: € 75,-
  3. personal membership: € 165,-
  4. self-employed professionals without employees (zzp’ers): € 170,-
  5. companies with 2 – 10 employees (FTE’S): € 275,-
  6. companies with 11 – 30 employees (FTE’S): € 350,-
  7. companies with 31 or more employees (FTE’S): € 500,-

Please choose the type of membership that fits you and fill in the application form below. For questions you are welcome to contact Patrice van der Heiden (General Manager) (T: +31 6 53360937) or send an e-mail to: info@ddbc.nl.

Please fill in as many fields as possible. When you register as a member, you agree to our privacy policy (https://danishchamber.nl/about/). Please contact us, if you have questions to privacy policy. 
